Manager Core Options and Registration

Note: The POST Management Course or the POST Executive Development Course may be substituted for the Manager/Administrator Core Course for adult institution (jail) managers and administrators.


1.  Manager/Administrator Core Course

STC certification # 0854-1923

This 80-hour skill-building course was designed by the Board of State and Community Corrections for individuals assigned to manager or administrator positions in a local correctional setting (e.g., probation, juvenile hall, county jail, or city jail) participating in the Standards and Training for Corrections (STC) Program.

First priority is given to STC-eligible managers and administrators who are required to complete the Manager/Administrator Core Course (MACC) within one year of their first appointment to a manager or administrator position. Experienced managers or administrators who are not required to take the course may also participate in MACC on a space-available basis.


Topics Covered:

  • Management and Leadership
  • Managing Change
  • Defining and Creating Expectations
  • Know Your Leadership Style
  • Communication/Meetings
  • Leaders and Organization Health
  • Ethical Leadership
  • Succession Planning
  • Politics and Budgeting/Mock Board of Supervisors Budget Hearing
  • Risk Management
  • Presentation Skills
  • Media Relations
  • Management Perspectives: Lessons Learned

Participants will be given opportunities to apply concepts and skills presented, network with classmates, and share their knowledge and experience. Class discussions and small group presentations will reflect real-world concerns and issues, including the impact of AB109 (the transfer of prisoners from state institutions to local correctional facilities).


Dates and Locations

San Diego: Week 1 February 3-7, 2025

Week 2- February 24-28, 2025


MACC Registration

Please register for the course directly at GTA: Manager Administrator Core Course (MACC) or call GTA at (858) 550-0040. For any additional questions please email


2.  Management Leadership Academy

Sponsored by Chief Probation Officers of California (CPOC)
STC certification # 09957046

This intensive 80-hour Standard and Training for Corrections (STC) course is designed to prepare current probation managers for executive positions.  The course blends practical skill-building, individualized leadership development, and a focus on ethical, data-driven decision making to cultivate California’s future probation leadership. The program is comprised of two weeks of classroom training, an intersession practicum assignment, peer study groups, and a 360-leadership assessment.  Given that the course is intended for future executives, work products are expected to be comprehensive, high quality and reflect the complexity of county-level probation management.

This 80-hour course will be strictly dedicated for the probation audience only.


Dates and Locations

Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Week 1: April 28 – May 2, 2025

Week 2: June 2 – 6, 2025


For further questions, please contact Ronesh Mistry at (916) 447-2762


3.  California Jail Command Academy (CJCA)

Sponsored by the American Jail Association - STC certification # 4750-85906

This 80-hour skill-building course was designed for individuals assigned to manager or administrator positions in a local corrections facility (e.g., county jail or city jail) participating in the Standards and Training for Corrections (STC) Program.

First priority is given to STC-eligible managers and administrators who are required to complete the Manager/Administrator Core within one year of their first appointment to a manager or administrator position. Experienced managers or administrators who are not required to take the course may also participate on a space-available basis.

Participants will be given opportunities to apply concepts and skills presented, network with classmates, and share their knowledge and experience. Class discussions, reading assignments and small group presentations will reflect real corrections related concerns and issues.

Due to COVID concerns, the academy will be comprised of 80 hours of virtual instruction.


Dates and Locations

Upcoming Dates TBD


For more information or to register visit the California Jail Command Academy.

Or call Connie Lacy or Lori Bachtell at 301-857-2298 or email


Effective immediately, these three management courses will fulfill the training requirements of MACC.  Please direct any questions to your assigned Field Representative.