Meeting Materials for ESC Meeting


ESC Briefing Material

Title 15:

  1. Administration Workgroup (Sec. 1004-1047)
    Roster and Regulation Revision Worksheets
  2. Classification and Discipline Workgroup (Sec.1050-1059; 1080-1084)
    Roster and Regulation Revision Worksheets
  3. Programs and Services Workgroup (Sec. 1061-1073)
    Roster and Regulation Revision Worksheets
  4. Minors in Detention Workgroup (Sec. 1100-1163)
    Roster and Regulation Revision Worksheets
  5. Medical/Mental Health Workgroup (Sec. 1200-1230)
    Roster and Regulation Revision Worksheets
  6. Nutritional Health Workgroup (Sec. 1240-1248)
    Roster and Regulation Revision Worksheets
  7. Environmental Health Workgroup (Sec. 1260-1280)
    Roster and Regulation Revision Worksheets

Title 24:

  1. Physical Plant Workgroup (Parts 1 and 2)
    Roster and Regulation Revision Worksheets