Adult Reentry Grant Program

Cohort 4 Grants  |  Cohort 3 Grants | Cohort 2 Grants  |   ARG Rehab Grants   |   Prior Cohorts   |   Contact the ARG Team


The ARG Program was established in the 2018 Budget Act (Senate Bill 840, Chapter 29, Statutes of 2018) and has been funded annually through the State Budget Act to provide funding for community-based organizations to deliver reentry services for people formerly incarcerated in state prison. ARG Cohort 4 funding supports Warm Handoff/Reentry Services and Rental Assistance (Housing).

Permissible use of grant funds includes but is not limited to the following:

  • Case Management
  • Reentry and Barrier Removal Support
  • Housing and Service Navigation
  • Transitional and Permanent Housing

In addition, the ARG Program is subject to the Housing First provisions in Welfare and Institutions Code, Sections 8255-8257.2. Under the Housing First approach, anyone experiencing homelessness is connected to a permanent home as quickly as possible without regard to sobriety or criminal history. Housing First removes barriers to housing by allowing individuals to decide whether to participate in services.

ARG Services Dashboard

ARG Cohort 4 Grants

Request for Proposals (RFP)

In November 2024, the BSCC released the ARG Cohort 4 RFP to California Nonprofit Community-Based Organizations making a total of $108,300,000 available to be divided evenly between Warm Handoff/Reentry Services and Rental Assistance (Housing). Successful applicants will be under agreement with the BSCC from July 1, 2025 to December 31, 2028 - three years for service delivery and an addition six months to complete evaluation and audit requirements. The application period closed March 3, 2025.

A completed application packet included the following (listed for reference only):

  1. ARG Cohort 4 Budget Attachment
  2. ARG Cohort 4 Project Work Plan
  3. ARG Cohort 4 Criteria for Non-Governmental Organizations Receiving Subawards
  4. ARG Cohort 4 Certification of Compliance with BSCC Policies Regarding Debarment, Fraud, Theft, and Embezzlement

ARG Cohort 4 Key Dates

Activity Date
Application Period Closed March 3, 2025
Proposal Rating Process & Development of Funding Recommendations March - June 2025
BSCC Board Considers Funding Recommendations June 19, 2025
Notice to Grantees June 2025
Grant Period Begins July 1, 2025
Mandatory New Grantee Orientation August 2025 (TBD)
Grant Service Period Ends June 30, 2028
Final Evaluation Report and Program Audit Due December 31, 2028


ARG Cohort 3 - Rental Assistance and Warm Hand-Off Reentry Services

The Budget Act of 2021 (Assembly Bill 128, Chapter 21, Statutes of 2021) appropriated $67 million to award competitive grants for community-based organizations (CBOs) to support individuals formerly incarcerated in state prison. $31,825,000 was available for Rental Assistance and $31,825,000 was available to support the Warm Hand-Off and Reentry of offenders transitioning from state prison to communities with priority given to individuals released to state parole. The Budget Act of 2022 appropriated an additional $57 million with $27,075,000 for Rental Assistance and $27,075,000 for Warm Hand-Off Reentry Services.

ARG Cohort 3 RA/WHO Project Summaries

# Grantee City, County Award
1 AMAAD Institute, The Los Angeles, Los Angeles $2,408,758
2 Arsola’s Distribution Center and Community Services Oakland, Alameda $2,750,000
3 Brilliant Corners San Francisco, San Francisco $2,507,560
4 Building Opportunities for Self-Sufficiency (BOSS) Berkeley, Alameda $2,750,000
5 Community Realignment Education Development (CRED) San Diego, San Diego $2,750,000
6 Creating Restorative Opportunities and Programs Oakland, Alameda $2,597,495
7 Faith Advisory Council for Community Transformation San Bernardino, San Bernardino $2,750,000
8 Family Assistance Program Victorville, San Bernardino $2,750,000
9 Friends Outside Stockton, San Joaquin $2,216,253
10 Homeboy Industries Los Angeles, Los Angeles $2,749,893
11 Hope Solutions Pleasant Hill, Contra Costa $2,712,385
12 Inland Southern California 211+ Rancho Cucamonga, San Bernardino $2,750,000
13 Interfaith Shelter Network Santa Rosa, Sonoma $2,750,000
14 LifeMoves Menlo Park, San Mateo $2,749,654
15 LightHouse Social Service Centers Colton, San Bernardino $2,750,000
16 Men of Valor Academy (MOVA) Oakland, Alameda $2,749,910
17 Mercy House Living Centers Santa Ana, Orange $2,750,000
18 Midtown Family Services San Jose, Santa Clara $254,535
19 SHELTER, Inc. Concord, Contra Costa $2,750,000
20 St. John’s Community Health Los Angeles, Los Angeles $2,742,221
21 Starting Over, Inc. Riverside, Riverside $2,211,336
22 Volunteers of America of Los Angeles Los Angeles, Los Angeles $2,750,000
23 WestCare California Fresno, Fresno $2,750,000


ARG WHO Cohort 2 - Warm Hand-Off Reentry Services

The Budget Act of 2020 (Assembly Bill 89, Chapter 7, Statutes of 2020) appropriated additional funding for the Adult Reentry Program in the amount of $37,000,000 to be divided equally between Rental Assistance and Warm Handoff Programs. ARG WHO Cohort 2 addresses the warm handoff reentry services component of the grant.

ARG WHO Cohort 2 Participants & Outcomes Dashboard *New

ARG Cohort 2 Project Summaries

# Grantee County(s) Served Award
1 ARSOLAS House Alameda $500,000
2 Avector Community Group, INC San Bernardino $500,000
3 Beit T’Shuvah Los Angeles $500,000
4 CAL-PEP Alameda $500,000
5 Catholic Charities of Santa Clara Santa Clara $500,000
6 Center for Council Los Angeles $500,000
7 Center of Living and Learning Los Angeles $498,290
8 Center for Employment Opportunities Los Angeles $470,861
9 Christ Centered Ministries Los Angeles $500,000
10 City Serve Network Kern $499,210
11 COSA San Diego San Diego $497,921
12 D & J’s Counseling and Support Santa Barbara & San Luis Obispo $460,010
13 Epidaurus DBA Amity Foundation Los Angeles $500,000
14 Friends Outside San Joaquin $495,176
15 Goodwill Central Coast Santa Cruz $500,000
16 Goodwill of San Francisco San Francisco, San Mateo, & Marin $498,840
17 Homeboy Industries Los Angeles $499,939
18 Hope Solutions Contra Costa $500,000
19 Insight Garden Program Alameda $123,124
20 Manifest Works Los Angeles $200,000
21 Mass Liberation Los Angeles $499,999
22 METRO Community Ministries, INC San Diego $500,000
23 New Way of Life, A Los Angeles $500,000
24 Operation New Hope San Bernardino $500,000
25 Options Recovery Services Alameda $500,000
26 Paving Great Futures San Diego $499,697
27 Place 4 Grace, The Alameda & Los Angeles $495,084
28 Restorative Partners, INC San Luis Obispo $497,294
29 Roots Community Health Center Alameda $500,000
30 Rubicon Programs Contra Costa $499,846
31 Sacramento Covered Sacramento $500,000
32 TransLatin@ Coalition, The Los Angeles $500,000
33 Turning Point Alcohol & Drug Education Program Inc Los Angeles $468,070
34 Union of Pan Asian Communities San Diego $500,000
35 University of California, San Diego San Diego $500,000
36 Willing 2 Move Forward Los Angeles $499,564
37 Young People In Recovery Sacramento & Orange $372,075


ARG Rehab of Existing Property or Buildings Cohort 1

In July 2019, the BSCC began a Board-approved grant-development process that included drafting an RFP for the ARG Rehabilitation of Existing Property or Buildings grant. The RFP was open to a 30-day public comment period, updated as needed and returned for Board approval. The Board approved the RFP and authorized the convening of a Scoring Committee to rate the proposals and develop funding recommendations.

In September 2019, the BSCC released the ARG Rehab of Existing Property or Buildings Project RFP. All Community-Based Organizations (CBO) registered to do business in the State of California (determined by the IRS to have 501(c)(3) status) were eligible to apply.

In November 2019, the Scoring Committee read and rated the single proposal submitted to the BSCC. The Board approved a funding award of $5 million to the Amity Foundation for a grant period that runs from February 1, 2020 to January 31, 2030.

ARG Rehab of Existing Property RFP

Amity Foundation ARG Rehab Project Proposal for Funding


Prior ARG Cohorts

Request for Proposals

In August 2020, in an effort to expedite the 2020 Rental Assistance funding appropriation to help with early state prison releases due to COVID-19, the Board of State and Community Corrections approved funding for 8 additional Community-Based Organizations from the ranked list of unfunded applicants in the previous round of ARG recipients.

ARG Rental Assistance - Cohort 2 Request for Proposals


Awards and Project Summaries

RA Proposals Funded with FY 2020 Budget Act

ARG Rental Assistance Cohort Project Summaries


Cohort 2 Grantee Resources

Orientation Virtual Binder


Contact the BSCC regarding the Adult Reentry Grant

For more information on the ARG submit an email to:

