Organized Retail Theft Prevention and Organized Retail Theft Vertical Prosecution
Grant Programs Scoring Panel Training – Day 1

Day 1: Monday, July 31, 2023 at 1:00 PM


Printable Agenda

Scoring Panel Membership: Ryan Allain, Chesa Boudin, Michelle Brown, Jason Craven, Jason Daughrity, *Nicole Kirkaldy, Nancy O’Malley, Rodney Rego, Michelle Solorzano, Eric Taylor, Tracie Cone, Ashley Taylor, Sandra Dinong, Evonne Garner, Mary Jolls, Mercedes Morales, Ryan Okimura, Chelsea Paez, and Bao Phan

*Scoring Panel Member Nicole Kirkaldy will be attending in-person.

Public access options to join the Day 1 meeting are:

  1. In person: Board of State and Community Corrections, Board Room
    2590 Ventura Oaks, Suite 100, Sacramento CA 95833
  2. Call-in by phone: 1-669-444-9171
    Use Meeting ID: 811 8665 1274
    Passcode: 427032
  3. Join the on-line Zoom meeting
    Use Meeting ID: 811 8665 1274
    Passcode: 427032

Agenda Items

  1. Welcome and Introductions
    • Overview of the Scoring Panel Process
    • Request for Proposals (RFP) Review
    • Timeline and Expectations
  2. Scoring Panel Training
  3. Continue Scoring Panel Training
  4. Public Comment
  5. Wrap-Up and Adjourn

Note: Agenda items may be taken out of order.

Meeting Contact Information:

Please contact Helene Zentner at (916) 838-7777 or for additional information about this notice, to submit written material regarding an agenda item, or to request special accommodations for persons with disabilities. This agenda and additional information about the Board of State and Community Corrections may be found on our website at