California Violence Intervention and Prevention (CalVIP)
Executive Steering Committee (ESC) Rater Training
Friday, April 8, 2022, at 9:30 a.m.


Meeting Location:

2590 Venture Oaks Way
Sacramento, CA 95833

Notice of Remote Participation

Jackie Reed
4305 University Ave, San Diego, CA 92105

Tina Rodriguez
4974 E. Clinton Ave, Fresno, CA 93727

Jessie Leavitt
1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, Hearing Room 3
Oakland, CA 94612

Andrew Mills, Tim Kornegay, Mona Cadena, Stephen Lindley
Palm Springs Police Department
200 S Civic Dr, Palm Springs, CA 92262

Gaynorann Siataga
150 Executive Park Suite 2450, San Francisco, CA 94134


The public is welcome to attend at the additional locations or virtually


Rater Training

Agenda Items

A. Welcome and Introductions
B. Provide CalVIP Update
C. Rater Training

Working Lunch

D. Public Comment
E. Adjourn

Meeting Contact Information:
Please contact Katrina Jackson at (916) 618-7487 or for additional information about this notice, to submit written material regarding an agenda item or to request special accommodations for persons with disabilities. This agenda and additional information about the Board of State and Community Corrections may be found on our website at