2019 Tribal Youth Diversion Grant
Executive Steering Committee Meeting
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
9:00 a.m.

Meeting Location:
Board of State and Community Corrections
BSCC Board Room – 1st Floor
2590 Venture Oaks Way
Sacramento, CA 95833


Agenda Items

  1. Welcome and Introductions
  2. Work Plan and Goals for the Day
  3. Overview of the BSCC
  4. Executive Steering Committee Process, Roles & Responsibilities
  5. Tribal Youth Diversion Grant (TYD) Legislation from 2018 & 2019

Working Lunch

  1. Review the Request for Proposals and Process used for Cohort 1
  2. Discuss and Decide on Necessary Changes to the RFP for 2019 TYD
  3. Public Comment
  4. Adjourn

Note: Agenda items may be taken out of order.

Meeting Contact Information:
Please contact Field Representative Kimberly Bushard at (916) 324-0999 or kimberly.bushard@bscc.ca.gov for additional information about this notice, to submit written material regarding an agenda item or to request special accommodations for persons with disabilities. This agenda and additional information about the Board of State and Community Corrections may be found on our website at www.bscc.ca.gov.