BSCC Strategic Plan - Seeking Public Comment

The Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC) is seeking public comment on the draft 2025-2030 Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives.

The BSCC Board approved the development of a new strategic plan in October 2024.  A new strategic plan was deemed necessary to reflect the significant policy and organization changes impacting the BSCC, including:

  1. Two new positions added to the Board composition – a licensed health care provider and a licensed mental or behavioral health care provider.
  2. Changes in the individual membership of the Board-only five of the now 15 Board members participated in the development of the current strategic plan.
  3. Establishment of the Governor-appointed Director of In-Custody Death Review (ICDR) position through Senate Bill 519, as well as the new ICDR Division.
  4. Direction through Executive Order N-16-22, which directed state agencies to include the use of data analysis and inclusive practices in their strategic plans to more effectively advance equity and to respond to identified disparities.

After approval, BSCC staff began the first step:  Identification of the overarching organizational goals and objectives. 

Goals are broad in nature, long term, and define the desired result.

Objectives focus the goals into actions BSCC will take to reach the goals.

At this time, BSCC is seeking input from the public to identify changes, modifications, or additions to the proposed goals and objectives that should be considered. 

At the conclusion of the public feedback period, and review and approval by the Board, the next step in the strategic planning process will be the development of specific strategies.

Public Comment Period:  February 20 – March 6, 2025

E-mail for Public Comment:

View Draft Goals and Objectives

PLEASE NOTE: BSCC staff will not identify your specific comments in the new strategic plan or any presentation about the plan, but all feedback should be considered subject to disclosure as part of the California Public Records Act. We appreciate your feedback and look forward to presenting a new strategic plan in the coming months.