Inmate Sterilization Procedures (SB 1135) Data Collection

As part of SB 1135 and statute 3440(d)2A, the Board of State and Community Corrections is required to collect from California county jails all relevant information regarding the sterilization of inmates. The data will include the number of sterilizations performed, disaggregated by race, age, medical justification, and method of sterilization. It shall be compiled and published annually on the BSCC website.

2023 Results

Fifty five counties responded to our disaggregate data collection survey, please see Table 1 for details. Of the 55 counties that completed the survey, two separate counties reported one inmate sterilization procedure performed during the 2023 calendar year. Please see Table 2 for details.

Inmate Sterilization 2023 Data Set


Prior Data Sets:

Inmate Sterilization 2022 Data Set

Inmate Sterilization 2021 Data Set

Inmate Sterilization 2020 Data Set

Inmate Sterilization 2019 Data Set

Inmate Sterilization 2018 Data Set

Inmate Sterilization 2017 Data Set

Inmate Sterilization 2016 Data Set

Inmate Sterilization 2015 Data Set